alternative fuel

[ɔ:lˈtə:nətiv fjuəl]
  • 释义
  • 代用燃料;人造液体燃料;合成马达燃料;石油燃料代用品;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Natural gas, a kind of alternative fuel, has been widely sued due to its low emission.


  • 2、

    As an alternative fuel, biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits.

    生物柴油作为矿物柴油的替代燃料, 具有环境友好性,近来倍受关注.

  • 3、

    This article reviews the development of DME as alternative fuel around the world.


  • 4、

    Like any alternative fuel, methanol has its critics.

    像任何替代燃料一样, 甲醇也有对其的批评意见.

  • 5、

    In addition, the potential OO emulsions as an alternative fuel for diesel engines was also evaluated.

    另外, 本实验还OO三相乳化液作为柴油机代用燃料的可能性进行了分析.

  • 6、

    The researchhas shown that MECSO is a better alternative fuel for diesel engine than CSO.


  • 7、

    Feed company worker said that most of the corns ended up into alternative fuel.


  • 8、

    Alternative fuel is one of key solutions to the shortage of oil and gas in China.


  • 9、

    Up to now, the facilities making corn into alternative fuel cost dearly.

    目前来讲, 玉米制代用汽油,工场设备花费庞大.

  • 10、

    What mankind need is an environmentally friendly , logistically feasible, and economically responsible, alternative fuel source.

    人类需要的是一种对环境友好, 逻辑上可行, 经济适用的替代能源.

  • 11、

    Analysts say that alternative fuel technology could allow Chinese carmakers to leapfrog the internal combustion altogether.

